O uso do cubo mágico como estratégia de ensino de permutações e funções

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Araújo, Marlene Gorete de
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The teaching of Math, although presenting improved in recent years, still faces difficulties when it comes to teaching and learning. The use of games in mathematics classes has been one of the possible ways of solving such problems. This success is given by the peculiar features of this tool, as motivation in the classroom, the rupture of the traditional teaching model and the awakening of creativity and criticality. In this perspective, this study aimed to show, through bibliographical research, the Magic Cube offers contributions to teaching of Permutations and Functions, as through this game is possible to build and or find some Mathematical concepts. At the end of the analysis, it could be seen that the use of the Magic Cube, as a didactical resource, is a viable proposal because their capacity to motivate and demonstrate to student that mathematics is beyond the limits of the school environment.