Análise de estratégias de ensino de calculo diferencial e integral para alunos com deficiência visual

Silva, Virginia Nascimento Ferreira
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The social/educational exclusion of people with disabilities was a common practice for a long
period of human history, being a reflection of the economic, social and political structure of
each era. The birth of new concepts made possible the beginning of the global movement for
inclusion, towards the construction of a world that can serve everyone without discriminatory
classifications. In Brazil, this movement culminated in the creation of laws and decrees that
ensure the social and educational rights of individuals with disabilities and that enabled this
public to access all levels of education. In this new scenario, an expressive number of visually
impaired students enter higher education institutions in search of training and construction of
their knowledge, without distinction, in search of an inclusive education. Some of these
students have entered courses where they are faced with Differential and Integral Calculus
subjects, which traditionally rely on active visualization. This research aimed to analyze the
use of accessible teaching materials and strategies for teaching calculus aimed at students with
visual impairments. For this, it started with a case study that started from the monitoring of
the activities developed by a teacher in the care of a blind student of the Degree in Physics,
from the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Rio Grande do Norte,
Campus Natal - Central. Based on what was observed, a descriptive analysis of the tactile
materials and strategies used by the teacher will be carried out.