Relatório de estágio no departamento de negócios da Esig Software E Consultoria: vendas internas em uma operação de Software As A Service (SAAS)

Silva, Maria Carolaine Alves da
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The present work aimed to describe and analyze the activities carried out during the internship experience in the Business Department of ESIG Software e Consultoria, allowing the conception of a diagnosis and, later, the recommendation of improvements in the operation. The organization is a reference in technology for education, health and integrated administration and is headquartered in Natal, in the state of Rio Grande do Norte. It operates in several public and private institutions in the country. In the internship, which took place between the period of 08/12/2019 to 07/25/2020, they were developed as pre-sale activities, collection of results and information for the indicators and provide support to the sector. During the assigned functions, the author was able to learn, observe and bring suggestions for improvements to the area's process. Among these proposals, three were applied: the centralization of information and data on metrics and indicators, the research for the evaluation of the demos made with potential customers and the review of the QuarkClinic product blog structure. This experience was of great contribution to the student's personal and professional development, expanding her knowledge, networking and opportunities in the job market.