Educação no campo para jovens e adultos : evasão na escola municipal indígena João Lino da Silva, Catu Canguaretama/ RN
The objective of the research was to identify the factors that lead rural youth and adults to abandon the EJA classroom at the João Lino da Silva Indigenous Municipal School, in the Catu Indigenous Community, Canguaretama/RN, and point out possible ways to combat school dropout. in EJA at that school. For this, qualitative research was carried out, with documentary analysis, bibliographical survey and data collection through questionnaires and interviews. Two types of questionnaires were applied: one with the three former EJA teachers and the other with the school's two current managers, and the interviews were carried out with 12 former students. The results revealed that the factors that most contribute to the evasion of EJA students at the João Lino Indigenous School are work, tiredness, lack of incentive and even the student's lack of interest. Therefore, fatigue acquired from carrying out day-to-day activities is the main reason for so many dropouts.We also found that teachers look for various alternatives to encourage students to stay at school and at the same time students also face a “battle”, as most of the time they are unable to balance work, family and school, almost always causing them to drop out. school, unfortunately the need to work to provide for themselves and their families overcomes the desire to study.