Sexualidade e trajetória escolar : percepção dos professores da Escola Estadual João Tibúrcio sobre identidade de gênero dos estudantes

Fé, Emerson Samy Barreto da
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The main objective of this article is to analyze how teachers perceive and approach themes about gender identity and sexuality in the classroom at the João Tibúrcio State School (EEJT), located in the municipality of Goianinha/RN. In addition, it aims to investigate appropriations, challenges, demands and refutations in the school routine about gender relations and their implications in that school, addressing concepts and laws that seek to improve life and the rights of the LGBTQIAP+ community before society. For this, qualitative, descriptive and exploratory research was developed. The data collection instrument was a questionnaire, containing 10 semi-open questions, which were applied between March 1st and 4th, 2023 with the help of the Google Forms tool, with the target audience being 30 teachers from the research locus school. The theoretical contribution of the study included authors such as Louro (2013), Freire, et al. (2016), Ebershoff, (2016), Butler ( 2003), among others. The research results bring "essential" speeches, which show that teachers must always be in constant formation, increasing even more their professional experience regarding the themes in question, and also the immediate need for the school to adopt pedagogical proposals on gender issues and sexuality in the classroom, so that it can facilitate discussions and ways to make people aware of the condition of affective and sexual diversity of human beings.