Práticas pedagógicas e relações étnicos-raciais – desafios e possibilidades de uma educação afrocentrada

Silva, Maria Adelaide do Nascimento
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The Common National Curriculum Base for elementary school – early years –, with regard to the guidelines for the Human Sciences, recommends learning and improving skills starting in kindergarten through high school. They are the understanding of the world around the student and the history of his surroundings, such as the history of his municipality, and general knowledge such as deforestation and its causes, in addition to historical knowledge about the construction of Brazilian culture. In this way, forming critical thinking and also initiating a more humanizing and refined reasoning with personal knowledge and affective responsibility, encompassing skills as a basis for the student's intellectual development. The main focus of this research is to investigate some of the main difficulties encountered by History teachers when dealing with the development of skills aimed at teaching cultural diversity, focusing mainly on African and indigenous culture. It is also about thinking about whether there is a deficit of knowledge about these themes, and how this potentially affects not only the academic performance of students in later years, but also in their social and personal spheres. The research
typology is composed by exploratory study, which allows for a more critical analysis of data. The sampling took place with a quantitative and qualitative approach, to analyze the data obtained, in order to provide full freedom for an analysis that allows the development of critical arguments about the responses obtained, clarifying and modifying concepts and ideas, with a view to formulating problems more precise or hypotheses that allow further studies and continuity of work. The research concludes that the need to bring the school body together with teacher training is essential for a social construction that encourages ethnic freedom of expression to overcome the criticism of stereotypes and prejudices, points that are still very present, in addition to maintaining the current social inequality.