Análise dos problemas matemáticos de um livro didático do 9º ano numa perspectiva da educação do campo e da etnomatemática
The work aims to make an analysis from the perspective of Rural Education and Ethnomathematics, of the mathematical problems present in a 9th grade textbook, adopted by the Carlos Gomes State School. In this analysis, we will seek to verify the proximity, or not, with the principles of Rural Education and Ethnomathematics, considering the context of students in relation to professions. The research is bibliographical in nature and it is a qualitative approach. We will verify the presence of professions in the textbook problems, we will analyze the individual school records of students in order to verify the extent to which there is consistency in relation to the representativeness of the parents' professions with what is systematized in the mathematical problems present in the textbook. Thus, it was concluded that, through the collection and analysis of data, the low representation of the professions in mathematical problems was noticed, especially when considering the professional of a Farmer, when comparing the presence in the students' files and in the textbook. The theme has the potential to contribute with a significant importance for professionals in the field of mathematics, since they present critical reflections on the elements and contexts that make up the textbook.