Uma abordagem etnomatemática da profissão de trancista e sua contribuição para o ensino da matemática na educação do campo

Silva, Ana Claudia Antônio da
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The article aims to identify, within an ethnomathematics perspective, the mathematical knowledge present in the practice of braiding hair and its potential in contributing to the teaching of mathematics at school. In order to achieve the objectives, in addition to a bibliographical study, we
were inspired by the research methodology of autobiographical narrative, through the author's
experience as a trancist and student of the degree course in rural education with qualification in
Mathematics. We take Ethnomathematics, Rural Education and Federal Law n.11.645/2008 as a
theoretical basis. With the results of the research, we conclude that the practice of braiding hair mobilizes mathematical knowledge, which can help in school teaching, as they present some mathematical concepts in a contextualized way and the teacher, with this practice, will be able to strengthen the identity and rescue the culture and history AfroBrazilian.