Ensino-aprendizagem de geografia nos anos iniciais do ensino fundamental : um estudo de caso na Escola Municipal Estudante Emmanuel Bezerra, em Natal-RN

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Geography in the early years of elementary school is an excellent tool to develop
spatial thinking and geographic reasoning in children, cognitive processes necessary
for their social and cognitive construction. In addition, it assists in the literacy of
students, through reading the world, the student develops the ability to read the
geographic space and identify himself as an active agent of this medium. Thus, this
work seeks to analyze the teaching-learning process of Geography in the Early Years
of Elementary School at the Municipal School Student Emmanuel Bezerra, in the city
of Natal-RN. It is known that the Common National Curriculum Base defines thematic
units, objects of knowledge and skills for this level of teaching, in this bias, we sought
through a case study in the school in question, to know the performance of teachers
in front of the classrooms, as well as the students' knowledge in what is up to the
required skills. Finally, there were absences in geography teaching at the Municipal
School Student Emmanuel Bezerra, the students were lacking in essential skills for
their level of education, also, there were difficulties in teaching practice, reflections of
a vague initial training intensified by a non-existent continuing education.
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