Letramento matemático: um estudo exploratório em duas escolas públicas do Rio Grande do Norte
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PONTES, Fabiany Lais Gomes de
V: http://lattes.cnpq.br/2170926025867645
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This research deals with a theme that is still very little discussed in Brazil, but
very important for the area of education: literacy, which can be said to be a still
new term for the educational environment, since it emerged as an object of study
in the middle of the the 1980s in the United States, being rapidly popularized in
many other countries with the same intention, including in Brazil. We will also
address other terms that are related to each other so that they will be presented
in the course of this monograph through information obtained in a qualitative
bibliographical research, these being mathematical literacy and problem solving.
We will emphasize here the importance of the term mathematical literacy for
mathematics education, considering historical, political and social aspects, as
well as to analyze how this is approached in studies of authors established in this
area. For that, a search was made in the thesis and dissertations bank of CAPES
with the descriptor "mathematical literacy", in order to carry out an analysis when
the production of this knowledge in Brazil. The objective of this work is to develop
an analysis about the relevance of reading inclusion to teaching mathematics,
showing that this should not be a practice of only Portuguese language, but of all
areas. To do this, we conducted an exploratory research that had as subject two
classes of 9th grade of two state public schools located in the municipality of
Santa Cruz / RN, where both are similar in several aspects, including for sharing
the same teacher for the discipline of Mathematics, but one, because it functions
full time, contains some obligatory disciplines more than the other, as is the case
of Mathematical Letting. For the accomplishment of this study, a board game was
elaborated titled "MateX", in which the students were conditioned the resolution
of some mathematical problems. The results obtained served as a basis for
analyzing whether there was any level difference between the participating
classes. What was concluded with this, was that the State School Cosme Ferreira
Marques, that is the one that offers the discipline of Mathematical Literacy,
obtained a considerably better result than the State School Quintino Bocaiuva,
showing that the students who have a learning based on the concepts of literacy
really do better than the others. In this sense, analyzing some more aspects, we
conclude that literacy is a powerful way to be used in education and the use of
reading as a teaching methodology also offers a less embedded posture to the
same, which gives the student a better interpretation power.
Keywords: Mathematics Teaching. Literature. Mathematical Letting.
Exploratory research. Troubleshooting.