A produção do conhecimento sobre Educação Profissional : o mapeamento dos artigos científicos no Portal de Periódicos da Capes

Cavalcanti, Vanessa Oliveira de Macêdo
Medeiros Neta, Olívia Morais de
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The Professional Education (EP) in Brazil has become a professional field throughout the years and this configuration can be seen through the scientific productions of the researchers of this field in Journal Articles, dissertations, thesis, etc. This article aims to map the knowledge production about Professional Education has turned important on the CAPES Journal Portal through the scientific articles; to explain the Portal and the importance of the scientific communication through the scientific journal achievement that contribute to the science development; to report the first results obtained about the studies of the field configuration of the EP in Brazil through the mapping of the production about the EP, the identification of researchers and journals where the publications appear; to use the exploratory method for the productions gathering with the qualitative approach. In conclusion, this kind of production contributes for the comprehension of the configuration of a certain knowledge field.