O Pronatec e o processo de expansão e privatização da educação profissional no Brasil

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Melo, Ticiane Gonçalves Sousa de
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This dissertation is part of the scope of knowledge production in the field of Brazilian professional education. The guiding principle of research is the current process of expansion of the Brazilian Professional Education. Thereby we look for analyze the public and private character of the founding policies of this expansion, as well as unveiling the role of Pronatec - public policy that has centrality - in the development of this process. Regarding the theorical and methodological approach we use bibliographic research references and document analysis guiding us through social-critical thinking. At the same time, we appropriate the content analysis proposed by Bardin (1977). This research has the time delimitation of the early twenty-first century. We base this dissertation starting from authors such as Antunes (2009), Dourado (2001; 2010), Frigotto (2010; 2011), Harvey (1993), Kuenzer (2005; 2008), Lima (2012), Moura (2013; 2014) Poulantzas (1971) and Saviani (2003). The research results show that in the beginning of the 21 century, in fact, there neoliberal based policies driving the increase in offer in the Professional Education. In addition, we see a very close relation between the process of expansion and the privatization of Professional Education through mainly Pronatec. Some aspects of Pronatec underlie the previous conclusion: the elevated offer of enrollments through public/private partnerships, the abundant supply of short duration courses and low complexity, and the dynamization signs of a market for Professional education.
Keywords: Neoliberal Policies. Expansion-privatization of Professional Education. Pronatec.