Licenciaturas nos institutos federais: a produção acadêmica sobre o estágio supervisionado

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Martins, Priscila Akla da Silva
Nascimento, Augusto Sávio Guimarães do
Souza, Francisco das Chagas Silva
Mostrar registro completoResumo
In the last decade, there has been a strong expansion of undergraduate courses at the Institutos
Federais de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia (IFs) [Federal Institutes of Education, Science and
Technology (IFs)]. As the supervised practice is one of the most important curriculum components
in an undergraduate course, this article presents the academic research on this topic in the IFs. The
large number of IFs in Brazil has motivated us to conduct a territorial division, considering the north
and northeast regions realities. The methodology consisted of a survey of papers presented at the
Congresso de Pesquisa e Inovação da Rede Norte e Nordeste de Educação Tecnológica [Congress
of Research and Innovation of the North and Northeast Techological Education]. We have noticed
that there is a very low production on training practice in these events, leading us to conclude that
this object has not aroused the proper attention of researchers from these institutions yet.