Um olhar docente sobre as relações ciência, tecnologia e sociedade/ CTS no ensino médio integrado

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Rodrigues, Sarita Cavalcante
Nunes, Albino Oliveira
Nunes, Albano Oliveira
Mostrar registro completoResumo
The present article aims to understand the views of teachers on various Federal Institutes campi
about the Science, Technology and Society (STS) relationships, with the goal to understand the
formation of the teacher and pedagogical practice with STS approach, in high school. The
research is of mixed methods with a predominance of qualitative aspects. For such, we
elaborated a data collection instrument with open and closed questions, validated by four
specialists on face validity. Altogether, 70 professors answered the questionnaire, which main
results were the comprehension of the educators' views about the STS relationships, the
formation of students and the implications on approaching these relationships in the classroom.