Sistema de administração de recursos patrimoniais destinado ao suporte de computadores e periféricos da UGTSIC/SESAP

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Silva, Thales Azevedo
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The Administration System of Patrimonial Resources (ASPR) is a web application developed
for the Technological Management Unit of Information Systems and Communication
(TMUISC) from Public Health Secretary of Rio Grande do Norte (PHSR). Which proposes, the
replacement of its ancestor tool, Patrimonial Management of information (PMI), considered
outdated, for not having new corrective updates and new implementations according with the
necessaries related to the computer maintenance department. The ASPR goal is, allowing the
technician, do the diagnoses in the peripherals and its computers, relating it to a memo asked
by the origin department, so it can be determining the probable causes and consequently open
a service order, initiating repairs or declaring the equipment non-fixable, discarding directly, or
sending it back to where it came from. It’s also relevant to have filled the information related
to those equipment’s to receive and giving it back securely. The document, also consists,
between steps, of the internship sector presentation and its organization, as well as the theorical
referential exploring the documentation’s work, and it’s mainly approached technologies used,
concluding by acknowledging the development process, specifying implementation, with its
essential functionalities and wrapping it up with the implantation of the final product.