Cecafes/RN: Potenciais e desafios para a produção e a comercialização de produtos orgânicos e com enfoque agroecológico

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Oliveira, Maria Luíza Hipólito de
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The objective of this study was to evaluate the obstacles faced in the production and commercialization of organic products with an agro-ecological approach in the Center for Commercialization of Family Agriculture and Solidarity Economy (CECOFSE). In terms of methodological procedures, a questionnaire with a semi-structured script with open and closed questions was used to make respondents feel free to answer according to their daily experience. The research results revealed several obstacles in organic production with an agroecological focus, as well as in the commercialization of these products. It was possible to observe that the production challenges revolve around overcoming the difficulties faced, mainly with pests and diseases. In marketing, problems are caused by high production costs, production losses, and customer acceptance regarding the price and appearance of the products offered. In the final considerations, we point out that these difficulties can be minimized by offering technical assistance, constant use of agroecological practices to combat pests and diseases, and the persistence of producers until they reach the balance of the ecosystem on their properties. On the other hand, the difficulties faced in marketing can be minimized with harvest and post-harvest handling practices to improve the appearance of the products and make them well-regarded by customers who often prefer conventional products because they look better.