Visão computacional: um estudo de caso aplicado à língua brasileira de sinais (LIBRAS)
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Silva, Romário Pereira da
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Brazilian deaf people face many problems related to communication with non-deaf
people. The first challenges arise in the family sphere, still in their childhood they
find it difficult to communicate with their relatives. When they believe, the challenges
continue when they need to relate to people other than their families, attend school,
go to college or get a job. In addition to the difficulties in communicating with close
people, they still have to deal with non-compliance with laws created to protect
them and guarantee their rights, such as LAW Nº. 13,146 which guarantees the right
to equal treatment by public bodies, but in practice this rarely happens. Having
this scenario as a field of study, this work presents a tool that uses the MediaPipe
framework to capture facial expressions, position and configuration of hands in
videos and translate words and letters in Libras into Brazilian Portuguese. This
tool was able to find the meaning of the signs referring to the words God, right,
brother-in-law and wall, in addition to the letters A, B, C, and D, identifying each
parameter forming the sign individually and then putting them together to find the