O curso de especialização em Proeja - Cefet/RN (2007) e suas relações na vida profissional e acadêmica dos concluintes

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Cacho, Mylenna Vieira
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The National Program for the Integration of Professional Education, together with the Basic Education for Youth and Adult mode (PROEJA), established by the decree No. 5,840/2006, replacing the decree No. 5,478/2005, has a dual purpose: to confront the educational discontinuities targeted at young people and adults in Brazil and to integrate Basic Education (EB) with Professional Education (EP) and Youth and Adult Education (EJA) mode. Thus, being a peculiar field of knowledge, the Department of Professional and Technological Education/Ministry of Education (SETEC/MEC) provided the PROEJA specialization course, directed to teachers, managers and technical-administrative personnel. The overall objective of this work was to analyze the relationship between the specialization course in PROEJA, offered by the Technological Education Federal Center of Rio Grande do Norte (CEFET-RN), in the branches Natal-Central (CNAT), Mossoro (MO) and Currais Novos (CN), and the professional and academic life of the students who have completed all required disciplines but did not present the final monograph (TCC) of the 2007 edition in the context of the public policy for in-service teachers training for Basic Education, Professional Education and Youth and Adult Education. The methodological approach of this work was a qualitative one, using, for the documental analysis, the collection and analysis of data from questionnaires and semi-structured scripts applied to the subjects of this research. The results showed that there were relationships between the course and the lives of the students who did not fininsh the course and that these were most frequent in the professional realm than in the academic one. We identified that personal problems (health treatments - individual or Family -, marital separation, high-risk pregnancy, school elections, other academic interests) appeared as the main reasons for not presenting the TCC at the end of the course, followed by difficulties the lack of time organization for complying with the deadlines for the final text production of the TCC and in academic work individual production.
Keywords: Professional Education. Youth and Adult Education. Educational Policies. Specialization in PROEJA. In-service teacher education. Unfinished-course students.