Discutindo as atitudes e crenças sobre a química de estudantes do ensino técnico integrado em eletrotécnica
Nunes, Albino Oliveira
Nunes, Albano Oliveira
Medeiros, Lucas Oliveira de
Silva, Allison Ruan de Morais
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The advancment of science and technology in our society gave way for a crescent demand in Scientific and Technologic Literacy (SCL) for the general population. In this context, Chemistry plays an important role not only for being a central science, but also for having a strong technological component and industrial significance. Thus, this article's goal is to know and analyze the scientific and Chemistry-oriented behaviour of third-year students at the Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Rio Grande do Norte (IFRN) - Campus Mossoró, trhough qualitative and quantitative approach. The data collect instruments used (openended question, Likert scale and semantic differential scale) were applied to 25 students from the eletrotechnical integrated course. The results show that the students present a positive attitude towards Chemistry, understanding its role as beneficial to society. However, they show a heavily negative attitude towards Chemistry when disregarding it as a possible career choice. From that, it is evident that, even though it holds social relevance, the students ignore and reject Chemistry's important aspects and its multiple
applications in their professional choices.