Intervenção didático-pedagógica para incentivo ao pensamento sustentável: uma abordagem sobre resíduos plásticos

Soares, Thalia
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Education is the key to behavioral change in society, and schools play an important role in
encouraging the development of values and attitudes committed to sustainability. The
environment is a strategic issue for sustainable development. The accumulation of solid waste,
especially plastic waste, is worsening both because of the long time it spends in the environment
and because it is difficult to compact, and because of the absence, inadequacy or scarcity of
knowledge about environmental practices. The aim of this study was to analyze the
environmental perception of the students of the IFRN Natural Resources Academic Directorate
(DIAREN) - Natal Central Campus on the management of plastic waste, with the aim of
creating a manual of procedures for recycling this waste. Classified as exploratory and applied
research, it followed the gravimetric composition method adapted from Monteiro (2001), which
consists of demonstrating the percentage of components in a sample of solid waste compared
to the total weight of the sample, with a qualitative-quantitative field analysis being carried out,
based on the collection and analysis of the data obtained. It consisted of five stages:
implementation, analysis of gravimetric composition, didactic intervention on the problem of
plastic waste and its management, application of questionnaires and analysis of the results. The
consistent increase in the amount of waste collected, with the implementation of the
interventions, showed a greater awareness and engagement on the part of those involved,
validating the positive impact of the actions carried out, both during the interventions and
afterwards. Of the 44,047.29 g of waste accounted for, 37,747.57 g were sent to ReciclAMAR
to produce new value-added products through recycling, playing a fundamental role in reducing
the environmental impact generated by plastic waste. As a technical technological product, the
Manual of Procedures and the company Precious Plastic ReciclAMAR are promising tools for
spreading the word and raising awareness about plastic waste. This highlights the importance
of promoting environmental education initiatives aimed at fostering individual citizenship.