A relação entre os 17 objetivos de desenvolvimento sustentável e a constituição federal: uma analogia entre a legislação brasileira e a agenda 2030

Gonçalves, Neide Cristina Lucena
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The Federal Constitution represents an achievement of democracy, endowed with rights and duties capable of promoting a fair, inclusive and sustainable society. Many of the themes addressed in the Major Law are present in 2030 Agenda as proposals for a better world, in which man and the environment can live in harmony. As such, this research aims to analyze the relationship between the Federal Constitution and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in order to verify the relationship between these instruments, present the results obtained in a summary table for public consultation and develop software to carry out an automated consultation. In this way, an analogy was made between the constitutional articles and the 169 goals of the SDGs, by means of comparative reading, and a technological product was developed that will allow the consultation of projects, proposals and the like with the aim of speeding up the development of public policies and other actions that collaborate with the themes of the sustainable objectives and, simultaneously, with the fundamental rights set out in the Constitution. Through this research, it was possible to see that achieving a 2030 Agenda goal promotes a constitutional act with a double benefit for society. In view of this, this research, as well as the product developed through it, can be used by society and various entities to identify which SDGs and constitutional provisions are achieved with the projects submitted on the platform for consultation.