Tratamento de efluente proveniente do beneficiamento do mineral tantalita

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Silva, Luana Lee Lima da
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It is a challenge for the mining industry to treat the effluents generated in the processes of mineral treatment and beneficiation. From the mineral tantalite, a mineral beneficiation was carried out, where electrocatalysts were produced to be used in fuel cells due to their high oxidation potential of ethanol and methanol. The beneficiation process generated an effluent containing heavy metals, making its treatment fundamental for correct disposal or reuse in other mining processes. Thus, the general objective of this research was to apply treatment techniques for the effluent resulting from the beneficiation of the mineral tantalite. Chemical precipitation tests were conducted, followed by adsorption using coconut fiber at different pH values. The samples underwent physicochemical analyses, XRF tests, and ICP-OES. The proposed treatment is applicable and effective due to the efficiency of the chemical precipitation and coconut fiber adsorption techniques, significantly reducing the predominant metals of lead, manganese, and iron. In this way, the effluent treatment represents a technological and scientific advancement, which cooperates with the mining, energy, and sanitation sectors. This study allowed for the presentation of a technical product classified as a Process/Technology and a Product/Material not patentable according to the evaluation criteria of CAPES. It represents a notable technological advancement, combining applicability, efficacy, and environmental sustainability, as it minimizes environmental impacts and enhances the efficiency of treatment processes for this mineral, valuable metals globally.