Para além do monetário: um estudo exploratório sobre as revoluções industriais e suas moedas de troca
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Silva, Nathan Sousa
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During the year 2022, I noticed that no academic work in Brazil addressed the history of the products that were emblematic in each revolution. practices the effect it had at the time, with that, I divided it into three periods, the first revolution, which was from the 18th to the 19th century, the second revolution, which was from the 19th to the middle of the 20th, and the third was from the 20th to the XXI. This research starts from a theoretical basis on the three revolutions individually, considering works such as Gregory Clark and David Jacks (2007), Joel Mokyr (1998), Phyllis Daene (1979), among other authors. The research is done with a bibliographical look, that is, I will only show and talk about the historical part of each chosen product, and I will use articles and authors' books.
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