Desempenho de cultivares de alface crespa, em ambiente protegido e a céu aberto, em sistema de produção agroecológica, no período chuvoso

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Zacarias, Maria Evanira Araújo Silva
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Lettuce is recognized in Brazil and around the world as one of the most consumed leafy vegetables, as the richness of its nutrients and its versatility in meals has gained more and more space in the market and consequently the need for a constant search for improvements to meet consumer market demand. In order to evaluate the Jade and Solaris curly lettuce cultivars; and different cultivation environments, in an agroecological production system, during the rainy season, an experiment was installed under a complete randomized block design, with twelve replications, in a split-plot scheme, totaling four treatments. The plot treatments consisted of two cultivation environments (area covered with a 30% shade cloth and open air) and the subplots consisted of two curly lettuce cultivars (Jade and Solaris). The characteristics evaluated were: number of leaves, plant height, plant diameter, fresh mass of the aerial part and productivity. We verified a significantly superior result for Jade lettuce compared to Solaris in the analyzed variables. As for the results obtained in the cultivation environments, they were significantly expressive in terms of the number of leaves, fresh mass of the aerial part and productivity, with open air cultivation being the most promising for the season evaluated, under rainy conditions.