Cumprimento de condicionantes de licenças ambientais: uma análise da carcinicultura no estado do Rio Grande do Norte

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Belarmino, Pedro Henrique
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Despite being an established management tool, there are many questions and discussions about the effectiveness of environmental licensing. Research has identified weak points and inconsistencies in the licensing process, especially in the post-licensing stage. At this stage, the environmental agency imposes a series of restrictions, recommendations and conditions on the entrepreneur to control and mitigate the impacts of their activities. These conditions must be duly fulfilled by the entrepreneur and monitored by the environmental agency for the effective environmental control of the activities. Given the above, the objective of this research was to analyze the post-environmental licensing stage in terms of compliance with conditions by the entrepreneur and the effectiveness of monitoring and inspection carried out by the environmental agency. For this, a documentary research was carried out with data from licensing processes of shrimp farming ventures licensed by IDEMA in Rio Grande do Norte/RN. Two checklists were applied, one with the Technical Variables of the Enterprises (VTE) to collect data on the level of technical compliance of the documents presented in compliance with the condition, and another with the Technical Process Variables (VTP) to collect data related to the monitoring and inspection of the environmental agency. After applying the checklists, the performance of the projects and the environmental agency was calculated using the Variable Agreement Index (Tv) and the Process Agreement Index (Tp) categorized into five agreement classes. The survey results showed that the class agreement index was low in 44% of the projects, as well as indicating a low level of agreement in the variables related to environmental monitoring. The environmental agency had low agreement rates related to the environmental monitoring and inspection system, as there was no continuous follow-up of the processes, nor were notices issued for non-compliance with conditions.