Projeto e desenvolvimento de um sistema de gestão hospitalar para hospitais públicos

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Pinto, Francisco Leandro de Morais
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The SUS Outpatient Information System (SUS/OIS) ranks among the Health Information
Systems (HIS) created by the Ministry of Health that aims to collect and process outpatient
accounts for the public health service. From interviews and meetings held with managers in the area, it was found that the sending of data to this system, carried out by filling out the Outpatient Production Bulletin (OPB) tabs is slow, as it occurs manually, by entering the procedures performed in hospital environment in the BPA-MAGNETIC program, which in some cases causes loss of production due to the large number of procedures to be entered and inconsistencies in the transfer of data. Moreover, it was noticed that the entries of the patients’ medical records made in handwritten forms are more susceptible to errors or failure in interpretation. Based on the difficulties presented, this work aims to design and develop a Hospital Management Web System capable of registering and organizing the flow of care from a public hospital and generating the data import file for SUS/OIS, eliminating waste of time on monthly typing of outpatient production bulletins. The software performs the automatic registration of the establishment’s health professionals and records the procedures performed in the visits according to the specifications of the SUS Procedures Table. In addition, it is integrated with the SUS User Registration System
Web Service, allowing the automatic collection of citizens’ data.