Bee Check - Aplicativo móvel para monitoramento de colmeias, colônias e apiários
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Marques, Gerson Viana
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Bee keeping is a very lucrative farming activity, which has proven to be a good alternative for diversifying rural income sources. In addition to honey, they produce so-called bee products and both are widely used in the market. Brazil is one of the major producers of honey, to maintain this status and enable better production results, it is necessary to perform an efficient management that encompasses all activities. One technique considered important for good management is zootechnical bookkeeping. In this sense, some authors have developed manual and even computerized tools focused on beekeeping, but some incomplete or discontinued, making it still use annotations on paper or spreadsheets, rudimentary technique, difficult and insecure. Thus, this work aimed to assist beekeepers and technicians from Emater or other apiaries in charge of apiaries management through a mobile application developed using free and open source technologies, where producers can keep the necessary information relevant to their apiary. The results obtained with the development of the tool were satisfactory, as it was possible to develop an instrument to help the beekeeper to store apiary data, to follow up and to register the data collected during the periodic monitoring of the hives.