Arborização urbana em praças na Zona Oeste de Natal-RN: avaliação florística, fitossanitária e percepção ambiental de seus usuários

Silva, Clécio Danilo Dias da
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Public squares play an important socio-environmental role in the urban scenario
and their afforestation is a heritage that must be known and preserved. In this sense, this work
aims to evaluate urban afforestation in squares in the West Zone, municipality of Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, as well as analyze the environmental perception of users of these green areas. For this, a floristic analysis and phytosanitary diagnosis of afforestation were carried out through visual analysis and photographic record of the specimens during field visits in the squares. As a data collection instrument, a form structured in four sessions was used: I) characterization of the square; II) Identification and characterization of species; III) phytosanitary diagnosis; and IV) recommended actions. To assess the users' perception, a semi structured questionnaire containing 17 questions was used, which was applied to 102 users during visits carried out in the investigated squares. The floristic evaluation registered 170 specimens, and 31 species distributed in 26 families, with Arecaceae, Anacardiaceae and Apocynaceae being the most frequent, with a predominance of species and specimens of exotic origin. With regard to environmental perception, it was found that the subjects recognize the importance of afforestation and are able to list its benefits (reduction of heat, shade and improvement of the urban space aesthetic) and negative points (subject of squares and the street; problems with the electrical or telephone network and problems on the sidewalks). The results presented represent a contribution to the management and management of forestation in the investigated squares and other green areas in their surroundings.