Controle automático de pH para o processo de eclosão de artemias

Castro, Ana Clara Costa de
Lima, Glauber Vinícius Pereira França de
Garcia, David Lucas Viana
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Saline brine shrimp are widely used as fish feed and easily found in aquarium stores, but in
the scientific-technical field brine shrimp are gaining a lot of space and are increasingly in
demand because they act as a natural bioindicator used in lethality/toxicity tests, as it is a
cheap, effective and quick method to use. From the analysis of these studies, it was observed
that there is a process for the hatching of the Nauplii (Artemia cysts) with a few steps, but yet,
it requires great care, so that the environment is favorable to the hatching of the cysts.
Considering that the water’s pH adjustment process requires greater care, cost and time, it was
realized that there is a need for a method to facilitate and ensure its efficiency. Aiming at this,
this project utilizes automation in pH control for hatching of micro crustaceans to improve
performance and reduce unused time, as well as a way to standardizing and ensuring the
quality of each stage. Hence, this project proposes the use of a pH sensor together with a
water pump to control the alkalinity scale in order to adjust the environment to allow the
hatching of the brine shrimp. In addition, lightning is controlled using a led strip, which is
also necessary for hatching to occur correctly.