O livro didático e o enfoque CTS: possibilidades para o estudo dos gases no ensino médio

Sousa, Ivanessa Castro
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The STS (Science-Technology-Society) studies represent a vast and complex branch of
knowledge, with many thematic foci and that aggregates many researchers. The STS movement
emerged in the United States, in college education, between the 1960s and 1970s. In Latin
America, the origin of the STS discussions is found in the reflection of Science and Technology
as a responsibility of public policies. The Latin American Thought About Science-TechnologySociety emerges at the end of the 1960s as criticism of the situation of science and technology
and of some aspects of state politics (VACCAREZZA, 1998). As the years went by, this focus
has been gaining projection. With the objective to understand the role of the Chemistry textbook
in the possibility of adoption of the STS approach to the concept of Study of Gases, the present
work proposes the analysis, through a state of knowledge, of how the literature specialized in
teaching treats the concepts related to the Study of Gases. In this perspective, it was performed
a bibliographical research, from a systematic study with eleven periodicals chosen according to
Qualis CAPES about the concept Study of Gases. With the data obtained from this systematic
study, it was observed that, from the 20 articles found, 11 approached the concept. In their vast
majority, the periodicals treated the concept in a manner directed to laboratory practices, with
gaps being pointed out about the approach of this concepts in the periodicals analyzed. It was
also performed an analysis of textbooks, with the goal to identify if those works presented STS
approach in the concept Study of Gases. This analysis was performed in 6 high-school
Chemistry textbooks that were approved by the National Textbook Program (PNLD), that were
implemented in the schools in the academic year of 2018. The categories of analysis were
reasoned with the assumptions of Bardin's Content Analysis (2011); furthermore, it was used,
based in these criteria and fundamentals, Minayo (2002), Gil (2002), Marconi (2010),
Ricardson et al. (2011). In this analysis, it was highlighted aspects a priori of philosophical,
sociological, historical, political, economic and humanistic nature that characterize, according
to Rosenthal (1989), the aspects related to Science in its broadest dimension for the contents of
the STS curriculum. From this analysis, and considering that the work presented the STS
approach, it was specified, through subcategories, which strands were characterized: the
European, the North American or from the reflection of the Latin American Thought About
Science-Technology-Society. It was also performed interview with five Chemistry teachers of
the public school system, State and Federal, for identification of the teachers' thoughts about
the STS interactions in the high-school Chemistry textbooks. In the content analysis of the
interviews, it was noticed that the teachers identified the importance of the concept for the
formation of students, its role in situations that occur in their daily lives. It was identified in the
speech of many teachers the concern with approaching the concept as preparation for ENEM.
Only one of the five teachers identified the importance and aspects of the STS interactions in
the textbooks.