Sistematização de indicadores de sustentabilidade para avaliação de bacias hidrográficas: uma proposta preliminar

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Sales, Danielle Marinho de
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It is proposed to systematize sustainability indicators for the evaluation
of watersheds that are easy to understand, to reflect the environmental situation of
water sources and to enable decision making. In order to do so, we sought to
systematize some essential sustainability indicators for the evaluation of
hydrographic basins, represented in the environmental, social, economic and
institutional dimensions, based on two empirical studies. The methodology was
based on literature review, followed by the systematization of sustainability indicators
by Oliveira (2016) and Righetto e Dias (2016), based on other thesis references,
technical books and periodicals. The main results of the study were the definition of
nineteen significant indicators, focused on environmental, social, economic and
institutional dimensions that can contribute to the assessment of the sustainability of
a given river basin. The conclusion is that the updating of sustainability indicators is
of great contribution since the natural and local dynamics of the area in a given basin
have pressures and changes, both in the installation of new technologies and in the
changes of public and private policies, which developing and becoming