Educação estatística na perspectiva CTS: uma proposta de sequência didática para o ensino de estatística no ensino médio

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Nascimento, Augusto Sávio Guimarães do
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This paper aims to present a proposal of a didactic sequence in a Science-TechnologySociety approach (CTS) for the teaching of statistics in High School. It is understood that the
adopted teaching product is an alternative that contributes to the formation of critical-reflexive
attitudes towards science and technology, allowing students to elucidate the commitment of
statistical knowledge to the social context. The main theoretical anchors related to Statistical
Education, which support this research, are based on Campos, Wodewotzki and Jacobini
(2011), Cazorla, Kataoka and Silva (2010), Delmas (2002), Gal (2002), Runsey 2002), Costa
and Capovilla (1997), Walton (1990), Nisbett (1993), Garfield (2002), Delmas (2002), among
others. The methodological guidelines are based on a quantitative-qualitative approach
according to the emerging paradigm, whose analyzes led to the structuring of the didactic
sequence to teach Statistics with a CTS approach in High School. The methodological
foundations of the nature of the research are supported by the arguments of Moreira (1990),
Minayo (1993), Santos Filho and Gamboa (1997), Grecca (2002), Günther, 2006, Tozoni-Reis
(2009), Gerhardt and Silveira ) and Silveira and Córdova (2009). Thus, a study on the academic
productions in the field of Statistical Education in high school in Brazilian postgraduate
programs was developed in this state of art modality, based on theses and dissertations. The
data were approached according to the content analysis, with categories that emerged from the
reading of the localized works. The results of this research showed a discontinuity of the
productions in the area. In addition, a second research sought to know the attitudes of high
school students about Statistics Teaching. At this stage, a questionnaire was used, composed of
open questions and a Likert scale. The reliability of the quantitative data was estimated by the
Cronbach's alpha method and the data treated according to the descriptive statistics. Finally, a
proposal of a didactic sequence to be used in Mathematics in High School was developed. The
material is structured under the CTS approach, in order to provide a dynamic learning of the
contents of statistics, exploring a structuring theme and critical-reflective formation for the