Projetos integradores no IFRN: reflexões sobre os documentos norteadores e o contexto da prática no campus Mossoró

Santos, Luiz Antonio da Silva dos
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The present work is part of the research line of Human and Social Sciences Teaching
(POSENSINO) and seeks to present an analysis on the Integrative Projects at the IFRN,
Mossoró Campus. In this way, we try to answer the following problem: how the Integrative
Projects are conceived, planned and developed in the Technical Course of Middle Level
Integrated in Informatics in this institution of Professional Education. In order to answer such
questioning, we are guided by the theoretical-analytical framework formulated by Ball,
Maguire and Braun (2016), seeking the relation of these projects with the institutional
documents of the IFRN and the understanding of the configurations of how their production
process takes place in the context of practice, based on the principles of Interdisciplinarity. The
chosen approach considers a continuous cycle constituted by three main contexts: the context
of influence, in which the decisions and the diverse political discourses are initiated and / or
constructed; the context of the production of text, in which texts with the political definitions
are produced; and the context of practice, in which curricular definitions are recreated and
reinterpreted.Research is characterized as qualitative and exploratory research. The
methodological procedures of the investigation included a theoretical-methodological matrix
composed of several instruments, namely: literature review, documentary analysis, open
interviews and application of questionnaires. During the fieldwork period, we collected primary
data, through interviews with three servers that worked on the Integrator Project and through
semi-structured questionnaires with 24 students. The content analysis of the data presented in
the institutional documents revealed that the IFRN's Political-Pedagogical Project presents texts
with hybrid meanings, since it affirms that the Integrating Projects can be developed in a
disciplinary or interdisciplinary way. Thus, the divergent discourse adopted in the PPP shows
that it, like any other document, is subject to the interests, disputes and negotiations of the
disciplinary communities. The hybrid senses found express this possible negotiation, distancing
itself from what is understood as integrating character of the proposal. The work also verified
that the way in which the Integrator Project has been produced shows significant distances with
respect to the IFRN institutional documents. We also noticed that the Integrator Project in the
Technical Course of Integrated Higher Level in Informatics, when developed, did not yet allow
an articulation of the curricular components nor the articulation of the knowledge of the general
formation with the knowledge of the technical formation, and, therefore, was able to produce
differentiated effects for the students, thus expressing that the subjects of the school recreate
and reinterpret what is placed to them. The study recognizes that the difficulties of the IFRN in
the implementation of this interdisciplinary proposal do not eliminate the commitment of the
Institute to promote an interdisciplinary approach that puts in a relational and global perspective
technical areas and areas of general formation. We believe, however, that there is a need to
reformulate the proposal for the implementation of the integrating project, since such
difficulties can lead to losses in the development of a comprehensive and interdisciplinary
training, as advocated in the IFRN guiding documents.