Avaliação participativa de resultados sociais do PRONATEC Campo

Santos, Shilton
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The present research aims to evaluate the National Program of Access to Technical
Education and Employment in Countryside (PRONATEC Campo, as in portuguese),
focusing on the social quality of this educational offer and attending to the specificity
and diversity of Rural Education, adopting as methodology the historic dialectic
materialism (MARX,2008; LUKCAS, 2003) having as a research locus the
Canguaretama campus of the Federal Institute of Education, Science and
Technology of Rio Grande do Norte (IFRN). In its development, it analyzes the State
from the Extended State Theory in Gramsci (1980), it comprises the Evaluation of
Public Policies as Social Research, using the State-Evaluator concept in Afonso
(2009), approaching the Evaluation of the concepts of Quality in Silva (2007) and in
Dourado and Oliveira (2007), proposing a Participative Evaluation of Social Results,
which is based on the proposal of Participatory Assessment of Santos, Azevedo and
Marcelino (2017), evaluating the limits and possibilities of Pronatec Campo, facing
the demands and wishes of the people of the countryside and of their proposals for a
Basic Education of the Countryside resulting from the National Conferences for a
Basic Education of the Countryside. The data showed that although Pronatec
Campo's offer in the Canguaretama IFRN presented approximations to the social
quality and the demands of that population, due to its institutionality and the
participation of these individuals in previous phases of policy implementation, the
social quality of this offer is mitigated because it does not exceed the standard format
of the Program and, at a higher level of totality, this offer is understood as a minority
both at regional level - Pronatec Campo in Rio Grande do Norte - and at Program
level - enrollment ratio between Pronatec Campo and Pronatec General.