Desenvolvimento de um sistema de controle eletrônico de frequência e acesso

Silva, Ednilson
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The need for safe, agile and reliable services have growing exponentially. Recognition of people for diverse processes such as people frequency control and door access is critical, but the use of technologies to minimize effort and repetitive tasks has been growing. Private and public sectors invest heavily in technological tools for access control and presence registration. With the arrival of computer systems in many institutions the point has been marked through the use of technologies such as digital recognition (biometrics). This work uses the kanban methodology to organize the tasks and used the technologies Django, Python, Boostrap, tastypie, HTML, JavaScript, Ajax and PostgreSQL for web and mobile application development. This work also describes the development of the web and mobile module, SCEFA - Electronic System of Frequency and Access, for frequency control of people and door access. The system generates reports of people frequency, access of doors and manage the access of people to certain doors of the Institution through the web system.