Produção de histórias infantis para os anos iniciais do ensino fundamental: um recurso didático numa visão CTS

Rodrigues, Manoel Fábio
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The Science Teaching (ST) has been the object of discussion in several educational
areas. In its history has undergone considerable changes, One of them is the insertion in its
discussions of the vision Science, Technology, Society (STS) vision. Since the 1960s, STS
studies has been gaining strength and found fertile soil in the educational field. the link
between ST and STS has been quite beneficial in the formation of a conscious citizen in the
midst of a world immersed in Science and Technology, and whose natural environment has
changed significantly. For this, it is necessary to find workable paths to these discussions.
Focusing on the early years of elementary school, the gaze is directed towards the children,
target audience of this educational level, and also on the teachers, their actions, thoughts and
training. One way to introduce ST and STS subjects in a pleasant and enjoyable way can be
through Children's Literature. It can, in addition to generating pleasure, provide initial
reflections and deepen discussions, regardless of the reader’s age. In this work, we sought
alternatives to instrument the teacher in environmental issues in a STS vision through
Potential Literature Reception by Children's Reader. A research was done with Pedagogy
students in their initial formation, that already occupied the teaching function in the initial
years of the Elementary School. We sought to identify their attitudes towards STS and the
concepts they conceived as the most important to be worked on in their classes. We used a
questionnaire consisting of objective and subjective questions, and a Likert Scale. Based on
the data obtained, an infantial history was written that possessed the characteristics required to
be considered in Children's Literature and elements that could generate discussions in the
classroom around the environmental concepts presented by the teachers. After that, the history
was submitted to criticism of pedagogical students-teachers in a pedagogical workshop. The
results were of acceptance of the history and viability of its use in the classroom of the early
years of elementary school.