Nexos entre a infraestrutura de abastecimento de água e demandas dos usuários para assegurar seus direitos legais: um estudo a partir da experiência da agência reguladora de serviços de saneamento básico do município do natal – ARSBAN

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Romanato, Loiane Tamara dos Santos Alves
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Water is of paramount importance for the existence and survival of most life forms on the
planet, playing vital roles in the human body and the modern economy. The UN has recognized
access to water and sanitation as an essential human right, but significant challenges remain to
ensure this access globally and in Brazil. In Natal/RN, about 50 thousand inhabitants do not
have access to potable water, highlighting the importance of effective management of sanitation
services. The main objective of this research was to relate the management of infrastructure and
investments in the water supply system of the city of Natal with the demands of users, received
by the Call Center. The methodology included the analysis of documents and spreadsheets
containing data on investments and public service. Initially, the identification of the water
supply system infrastructure in the city of Natal was carried out. Subsequently, a survey of the
population's demands related to water shortages from 2016 to 2019 was conducted, revealing
critical areas and complaint patterns. The analysis of the planned and executed investments in
the 2019-2023 tariff cycle was conducted to verify their relation to the population's demands.
To complement the analysis, several thematic maps were created using geoprocessing tools,
demonstrating the areas of greatest investment interest and relating these investments with the
neighborhoods most affected by water supply problems. The document analysis revealed that
CAERN's actions were not sufficiently responsive to user demands, with an on-time service
rate of only 33%. The data showed significant inefficiencies in meeting demands, with some
neighborhoods, especially in the North region, showing extremely low service rates.
Additionally, the investments made did not coincide with the areas that had the most significant
supply problems, indicating a failure to prioritize user needs. Therefore, the research highlights
a disconnect between user demands and the concessionaire's investment actions. Based on the
findings, recommendations were proposed to improve resource allocation, adopt advanced
monitoring technologies, strengthen regulation, and improve communication and engagement
channels with the community, aiming to ensure a more efficient and equitable water supply
service, fully meeting users' rights and contributing to improved living conditions in the city of