Uso e ocupação do solo e sua relação com a distribuição das outorgas emitidas na bacia Piranhas-Açu/RN

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Fernandes, Luana Silvestre
Mostrar registro completoResumo
The growing population and economic growth has led to a significant increase in the use of
water resources. The demand for water to meet the needs of the population's consumer goods
and services has led to an increase in the consumption of water resources in all sectors of society
and, consequently, conflicts over the use of water. The granting of the right to use water
resources is one of the instruments recommended in the National Water Resources Policy that
seeks to regulate the use of water resources in the country and, when combined with studies on
territorial management, can enable a balance between availability and demand. In this context,
the objective of this study is to evaluate the interaction between land use and occupation of the
Piranhas-Açu River Basin (BHRPA) and the grants for the right to use groundwater and surface
water resources, issued between 2012 and 2022. Using geoprocessing techniques, the study
adopts a qualitative, quantitative and exploratory methodological approach, employing
documentary research and analysis of secondary data provided by the Water Management
Institute of Rio Grande do Norte (IGARN), the agency responsible for issuing grants in the
state. Through the creation of thematic maps using QGIS software, the research aimed to
characterize the spatial and temporal variations in the study basin, integrating land use and
occupation data with the granted grants. The results obtained indicate that the predominant
modality of issued grants and granted flow is groundwater. Irrigation and shrimp farming
represent the main demands for this source, with percentages of 74.42% and 14.13%, while for
surface sources the largest consumers are irrigation and human supply, which hold 45.95% and
42.39%, respectively. The largest increases in land use and occupation area over the years 2012
to 2022 were observed in the categories “Pasture”, “Range Formation” and “Annual Perennial
Crops”, with percentage increases of 3.7%, 1.55% and 1.03%, in their corresponding order. The
largest concentrations of grants are distributed in areas classified as high and medium priorities
for action for environmental restoration and conflict management. Therefore, the integration of
land use and occupation data with grants can be used as a tool to adopt strategies and subsidize
the competent agencies, adapting the activities carried out in the basin, with a view to
sustainable development.