Mapeamento das nascentes da bacia hidrográfica do Rio Doce - RN
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Gomes, Magno Miranda
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Springs are sources of water that arise in the soil and are responsible for feeding rivers and watersheds. They are essential for maintaining and increasing the availability of water, a key resource for the existence of life. However, in recent years, the springs have presented several problems, such as deforestation, urban growth, disorderly occupation and pollution. Based on this scenario, there is a need to identify the sources of the Rio Doce/RN Hydrographic Basin, in order to observe the environmental impacts to which they are subjected. For this, a roadmap for diagnosing the spring was prepared, in order to identify the impact index on the spring, and for visitation, information on geotechnologies and coordinates provided by the Rural Environmental Registry (CAR), linked to the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock, was used. and Supply which, by means of geographic coordinate points and use of the Global Positioning System (GPS) Device, made it possible to locate the six springs and, later, identify the impacts to which they are subjected. The research is classified as a case study, with a qualitative and exploratory approach. With the information collected in loco, it appears that deforestation, agriculture practiced negatively, together with the excessive use of water from springs, compromise the quality and availability of this resource and affect the balance of ecosystems in this region, which is directly inserted in the Caatinga and Atlantic Forest biomes. With the possession of the information, cartograms were produced that will facilitate the understanding of the study area. It is observed that the BHRD-RN has six springs, which are compromised, with the intense use for agricultural activities and the advance of deforestation. The preservation of the springs in the Rio Doce/RN Hydrographic Basin is extremely important to guarantee the supply of quality water and the conservation of ecosystems. Through the implementation of conservation policies, management of water resources and environmental education, it is possible to make the population aware of the protection of springs and watersheds. With defined efforts, it is feasible to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals related to water, responsible consumption and preservation of life on Earth, promoting a sustainable and resilient future for the next generations.