Produtividade e rentabilidade de duas cultivares de gergelim: um estudo de caso no Município de Touros-RN

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Rocha, , Maria Geraldina da Silva da
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The municipality of Touros-RN in the Mesoregion of Mato Grande, has already represented
one of the largest pineapple producers in the State of Rio Grande do Norte. However, this
agricultural activity is in frank decline due to soil depletion due to lack of proper
management. In this sense, the present work aims to evaluate the socioeconomic, productive
and profitability potential of two sesame cultivars, as an alternative way to promote income
generation for the community. Therefore, a case study was carried out in the district of CanaBrava, municipality of Touros-RN. The study area consisted of sowing two sesame cultivars:
BRS silk and black sesame, in an area of 1 hectare, both with irrigated crops. Both cultivars
germinated at four/five days after planting. However, sesame seed showed more uniform and
vigorous plants, suggesting a faster development. The cultivation of sesame has great
economic potential, in national and international exploitation, but also in relation to the soil in
which it is cultivated. It is considered a short cycle plant and in recent years it has received an
important stimulus in the Brazilian market. In this way, sesame can contribute to soil
recovery, improving the life of rural workers, farmers, bringing back profitability and
replacing other types of crops, such as pineapple, which was so developed in the city of
Touros-RN and which then the ground fell into disuse. In this sense, it is concluded that the
cultivation of Sesame Seda in the future can be an alternative agricultural activity for
profitable, productive and socioeconomically viable commercialization for the production of
income for the small rural producer.