Análise da gestão dos resíduos de construção civil no Município de NatalRN

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Freire, Juvenese
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Civil construction waste (CCW) represents large volumes of urban waste, requiring
technological solutions for recycling and extensive areas of temporary disposal on the ground,
which are increasingly scarce in large urban centers. The city of Natal-RN does not have areas
for conditioning RCC and the existence of irregular disposal points has translated into an
environmental management problem for the municipality. The objective of this work is to
analyze the management and management of civil construction waste in the city of Natal-RN,
in the period 2008 to 2018. The methodology is a quantitative-qualitative approach, where data
from the collection of debris by the city and from constructed area, obtained from construction
permits, in order to estimate the amount of RCC generated in the city. In the qualitative analysis,
a structured interview was carried out with open and closed questions, applied to the managers
of the bodies that carry out waste management and environmental management. The SWOT
Analysis methodology was used to identify the internal and external positive and negative
aspects of management, in order to see what could be improved. According to the data, the RCC
generated in Natal-RN are classified into two categories: those from large generators, whose
quantities are only estimated during the building licensing process, and debris collected at Eco
Points or at disposal points irregular, which are quantified through the collection carried out by
the agency that manages the waste. The comparison between debris collection data and
estimated RCC generation by licensed works showed that in regions with a greater total builtup area there was also greater debris collection, it can be inferred that regularized works are
also depositing their residues inappropriately. The research concluded that municipal
management partially meets the main requirements of the national solid waste policy, however,
it has failures in inspection and monitoring of the actions of waste generators and collectors,
and there are no actions directed to small generators, responsible for a large part of the disposal
irregular. The work gave rise to the elaboration of a guide for the management of civil
construction waste, whose objective is to contribute to the municipal system. It contains the
proposal for three strategies that allow the municipality: to ensure the proper disposal of civil
construction waste; expand access to management for small generators; and encourage
sustainable practices.
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