Avaliação da satisfação do consumidor: o caso da biblioteca José de Arimatéia Pereira no IFRN campus Natal-Zona Norte

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Silva, Mariana Mayara Santos
Cavalcanti, Vanessa Oliveira de Macêdo
Taccione Neto, Ernesto Alexandre
Mostrar registro completoResumo
Currently we live in a globalized world, more and more institutions seek to
improve their services and products, and one of the possible ways to achieve this result is to
make successive internal and external evaluations, where through specific tools, seek
differential to reach their audience target and stand out in the market where it operates. The
research aims to verify the level of satisfaction of users of the library of a campus of the
Federal Institute. It uses an applied research study, with descriptive purpose and the form of
quantitative approach with the application of questionnaire. It identifies that the majority of
users are students of integrated technical education and presents satisfaction with the services
provided, however they point out points that need to be revised. It concludes by pointing out
that one of the aspects that could be improved was the insufficient number of technical titles
and the question of silence appropriate to a study environment.