Monitoramento do aquífero Dunas/Barreiras em Natal-RN

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Viana, André
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Monitoring is a tool used to monitor the hydrodynamic and / or hydrochemical behaviour of the aquifer. Hydrodynamic monitoring, this Static Level is a fundamental hydrodynamic parameter for understanding phreatic surface behaviour. This surface is influenced by the exploitation of groundwater resources, natural recharge conditions such as climatic conditions, urban recharge conditions such as water and sewage loss by the sanitation system and soil sealing by its use and occupation. Therefore, this research was carried out in order to analyse the hydrodynamic behaviour of the Dunas / Barreiras aquifer in the city of Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, from 2000 to 2010. Thus, the variation of the monthly Static Level of eight tubular wells in relation to rainfall in the corresponding period was analysed. In addition, the Groundwater hydraulic confinement; Overlaying strata; Depth to groundwater table (GOD) method was used to determine the vulnerability index of the monitored wells. It was found a proportional relationship between the level of accumulated rainfall and the Static Level in the well and consequently demonstrating that the Dunas / Barreiras aquifer is strongly influenced by natural recharge conditions such as precipitation and climatic factors. In addition, it was observed that in general the groundwater level increased during the monitoring period and presented low to medium vulnerability indexes in the monitored wells.