Influência do tipo de espumante na prevenção à coalescência das bolhas

Veras, Moacir Medeiros
Baltar, Carlos Adolpho Magalhães
Paulo, João Bosco de Araújo
Leite, José Yvan Pereira
Mostrar registro completoResumo
One of the main functions of frother reagents used in flotation is to contribute to the
stability of the bubbles size, especially in the pulp zone. The frother causes a
waterproofing effect which hinders the coalescence phenomena responsible for the
increase in the bubbles size. In this study it was investigated the influence of the type
of frother in the control of the coalescence. It was used the three most common types
of frothers: pine oil, polyglycol ether and metilisobutilcarbinol (MIBC). The
determination of the bubble size was made using the adapted HYDROMESS system.
Microflotation tests were performed with fines of graphite. MIBC is more efficient in
preventing coalescence. The critical concentration of coalescence (ccc) was
achieved with only 20 ppm. From this concentration of MIBC the average bubble size
was stabilized at 2.2 mm. The best results of flotation were also obtained with MIBC
what is probably related to more efficient control of coalescence.