Violação dos direitos sociais por meio do uso fraudulento das cooperativas de trabalho
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Rocco, Antonio Rangel Rosso Nelson
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The protection regulatory structure that covers the worker, which aims to humanize and give
social and ethical content to the benefit that comes from the capitalist activity, is often attacked
by the corporate community, which seeks, in any way, to reduce costs through basic and fundamental
labor rights resulting from a historic constitutional process. One of the subterfuges
used was the fraudulent creation of cooperative companies of workers in order to denature
a real job where the employer simulates this relationship through a service contract with the
cooperative company of workers, which is the intermediary in the workforce, denying all
principles of cooperativism. The research uses a methodology of qualitative analysis using the
methods of hypothetical approach - deductive of descriptive and analytical character, having
as background the analysis of new legal provisions of Act 12.690/12, created by the regulatory
framework of cooperative work.