O ensino interdisciplinar das ciências humanas nas escolas do campo : desafios e possibilidades

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Nascimento, Eloiza de Lima
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This study is the result of observations and investigations made through experiences at Elza Bezerril Ribeiro Municipal School, located in Piquiri District, Canguaretama, Rio Grande do Norte. The school, although located in the rural area, is not part of the Paradigm of Education in the Countryside, because it reproduces the model of organization, management of schools in the urban area. Starting from this problem, the work aimed to think about the ways these schools that are in the countryside, but not in the countryside, can promote interdisciplinarity among the disciplines of the great area of Human Sciences, as a way to escape the capitalist, positivist model that excessively fragments knowledge and promote an omnilateral, critical and social formation based on the concept of Education made in the countryside and for the countryside. To understand this process of teaching through the areas of knowledge, we start from the concept of Totality, where it is understood that knowledge is a branching part coming from a single knowledge. Given this, we can think through the point of view of historicaldialectic materialism, teaching by area of knowledge as an instrument to strengthen the paradigm of Education in the Field. Interdisciplinarity foresees the union of contents and disciplines, but its objectives go far beyond teaching methodologies. It contains the potential to promote a horizontal and democratic education, which provides the valorization of knowledge and subjects. To think about these reflections on how the curriculum of Elza Bezerril Ribeiro Municipal School has been organized and how this has been reflected in the school environment, we conducted a Social research, which is immanently qualitative, using data from the reports of internships teachers I, II and III, conducting semi-structured interviews with school teachers who teach classes in the disciplines of the major area of Human Sciences along with observations of lessons from these teachers. The work is organized as follows: Introduction, where we bring the research problems and objectives to be achieved; Methodological procedures, first characterizing the subjects of the research and then presenting the method used; Theoretical Referential, subdivided into three categories: 1-ducation of the Field and teaching by area of knowledge, 2-Unification of Knowledge: Parts of a single puzzle and 3- Area of knowledge in Field X Education Area of knowledge in High School Reform; Results and Discussions proposing the dialogue between the data collected and the theoretical bases that underpinned the research; Final Considerations, References and in appendix the interview script we used. In the school in question, it was possible to observe that there are projects that relate the disciplines, but interdisciplinarity has not been promoted as an instrument of struggle and human formation, but only as a way to promote differentiated methodological practices. Most of the teachers of Human Sciences who belong to the school staff understand the importance and potentiality of interdisciplinarity, but they have pointed out that they have not been able to promote this articulation due to the lack of time for joint planning and the lack of organization in the school to promote such practices. This is due to the urban-centrist model that the school presents, although it is a country school with peasant subject students, the school continues to reproduce the school model of the big cities. The teaching of Human Sciences in an Interdisciplinary way can be the first step to insert the paradigm of Education in the Field in the Elza Bezerril Ribeiro School.