A educação de alunos com deficiência no sistema regular de ensino : um estudo na Escola Municipal Juarez Rabelo - Canguaretama/RN

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Conceição, Nicélia Rosa da Silva
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Special education is a teaching modality offered preferably in the regular education network for
students with disabilities. Aiming to better understand this universe, this article is the result of a
qualitative research, of a descriptive and exploratory nature, which aimed to understand how the
education of students with disabilities enrolled in the Juarez Rabelo Municipal School, located in
the municipality of Canguaretama/RN, takes place. A questionnaire, containing open and closed
questions, was applied to the teachers of that school between the months of December 2022 and
April 2023, with the help of the Google Forms tool. It relied on the responses of 20 of the teachers
who work in classes in the final years of Elementary School and who have students with disabilities.
The theoretical framework adopted for analyzing the results relied on authors such as Oliveira and
Veloso (2017), Noronha and Pinto (2022), Locatel et al. (2018), as well as specific documents in the area, such as the Salamanca Declaration (1994), among others related to the approach to special
education and inclusive. The results revealed that there is a systematic inclusion of students with
disabilities in the school investigated, including a variety of these disabilities. Despite this, the principle still sticks to insertion, as there are no practices and structures that implement the meaning of inclusion then legally indicated and theoretically defended, even if specific attitudes are evident on the part of some teachers, with the aim of meeting some of the specific demands of students with disabilities.